February 24, 2010

Scribble Pillows and cat piles

Everyone I know is either getting sick, sick or getting over some kind of flu bug. It's such a hard way to live. I always feel guilty for staying home or complaining so I avoid it at all costs but man, I feel like crap. It's probably my fault, I didn't take the entire bottle of antibiotics that were perscribed earlier this month when I had a terrible cold, so it's come to bite me again. The sore throat and cough that keeps you up at night. No green liquid medicine can even penetrate the illness. Blurg!

I'm also getting to the point where winter is no longer fun, the gloomy grey Michigan skies are depressing and knowing that we still have weeks of cold left is anything but encouraging. It's about this time of year I think there is something wrong with me but then realize that everyone in a cold climate probably feels this way!

So instead of beeing blue, I think being bright and scribbly is better! Below are some shots of the scribble pillows I've been making. The white is my favorite and first - I made it as a special Christmas gift for my mom (although it is probably torn to shreds now from the cats) I think she liked it!

I can't take credit for the entire pillow, the cover and pillow are store bought, the design is mine though. Made of wool roving, I needle felted these squiggles and then toughened them up with some water, an iron and my dryer. Still delicate but somewhat durable!

One good thing about not feeling well is the sympathy and care given by those you love. Tcakes and Kaycee are my two favorite people. Here are some pictures of our evening last night:

This is the angle from above -it's a cat pile on top of tcakes!

The beautiful face that always makes me smile.. aww my little pooper!

Finally, momma's angle - she's sprawled out on my legs which are sprawled out on top of my warm tcakes! Ahhh, relaxed!

That's all for now - take care!

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