February 8, 2010

Scrappy Monday!

Phew - What a couple of weeks. Mom was in town visiting and then next thing you know, I'm down with a cold for three days the next. Back in action now and feeling much better!

I have been wanting to craft so much the last few days but with all of the homework hanging over my head I just can't justify it. :) Need to change this soon!

Tcakes gave me one of his old favorite sweaters a while ago, I've been using it for projects ever since. I made a keepsake box for his dad and new wife when he was married in December, I made mittens and finally have used almost all of the material. With the little pieces I made petal shapes and started a garland. I ran out of petals before the garland was finished but it makes a nice over the door hanging!

I also used scraps of tcakes sweater for a little roundy scarf. He is the model in this example :) Again - all hand stitched since I don't have a sewing machine. All projects have that kid made look, I would love to make them look more professional.. sigh... someday! :)

1 comment:

Resweater said...

That scarf is really cute... like olives strung together, and I love the colors of it. The garland is great too!